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N. Hayes: Power for Life

N. Hayes: Power for Life

book, 210 pages, Norvel Hayes

13,08 €

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Activating the Gifts of the Spirit

We need the power of God at work in our nation, our churches, and our lives. In fact, we need to take God´s power to the streets to set people free and transform their lives. How? Author and well-known minister Dr. Norvel Hayes says the nine gifts of the Spirit are the supernatural equipment God has given us to get the job done. After all, \"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongs holds\" - (2 Corinthians 10,4)

In Power for Life, Dr. Hayes shares what the gifts are, who qualifies to use them, where they work, and how you can activate them.
God gave the gifts \"to each one for the profit of all\"  - (1 Corinthians 12,7)
And that means you!


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