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Lester Sumrall: Spirit, Soul & Body - Bring Wholeness and Joy into Your Life

Lester Sumrall: Spirit, Soul & Body - Bring Wholeness and Joy into Your Life

Book - 256 pages

16,36 €

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The Joy-Filled Life.

There is a God-given desire in every man and Woman to discover and walk in wholeness. The Feeling of being unfulfilled and incomplete is a condition that has touched the heart and Soul of nearly every Person. But you can find satisfaction and wholeness!

Discover the inherent power in God´s original design for humanity. His plan is for the human Spirit, Soul, and Body to move in harmony. Once you develop an understanding of the three distinct parts of your being and how they were designed to operate together, you can bring wholeness, joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment into your life.

In this exploration of the inner man, Lester Sumrall describes the unity of the human personality. He shows how the three distinct parts of the human person can function in harmony and how to yield each part to our Lord Jesus Christ. Learn how to understand the division of your spirit, soul, and body so that you can live a fulfilling, victorious life.


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