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Lester Sumrall: Conscience - The Scales of Eternal Justice

Lester Sumrall: Conscience - The Scales of Eternal Justice

book - 64 pages

4,67 €

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Conscience - The Scales of Eternal Justice

Human Conscience is one of the greatest Gifts God gave to man. The Bible says in Acts 24,16
"And herein do exercise myself, to have Always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men."

Conscience distingquishes what it considers morally good or bad; commending us if we are good and condemning us if we are bad. Conscience is the ability to evaluate judgement and to justify the works or the thoughts you have. It functions through all your soulical parts: your mind, your Feelings and your decisions.

The human Conscience, when born again, is taught how to please God by the Holy Spirit and through  the Word of God.
It functions through the newborn spirit dwelling within you. Paul calls this "the mystery of Faith." Faith guides the Conscience into making Right decisions.


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