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Lester Sumrall: Beyond Anger and Pity

Lester Sumrall: Beyond Anger and Pity

book - 72 pages

4,67 €

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Hunger is a global Problem and challenge. I am committed to feeding the hungry worldwide. Beyond our Anger and pity, there are Things we must do.   -  Lester Sumrall

Pockets of desperate Need exist in every City in our Nation. Our failure to discern the reality of the suffering among God´s People worldwide, as well as here at home, Shows itself in our disregard for biblical principles and hinders our witness. During His earthly Ministry, Jesus revealed the Deep Feelings He had for the physical needs of those around Him.
He said, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these…, you did for me... (and) whatever you did not do for one of the least of These, you did not for me" (Matthew 25,40-45).

I have promised the Lord that I will do all I can to motivate others to feed His hungry People. Beyond our Anger and pity for the hungry, the homeless and the needy, there are Things we can do.


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