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LaDonna Osborn: God´s Plan for me - The Gospel (Colouring Book)

LaDonna Osborn: God´s Plan for me - The Gospel (Colouring Book)

Colouring Book for Kid´s / 29 Pages

3,74 €

Wir versenden nach Israel, Russian Federation (the), United States of America (the), United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Per International 1 für 4,00 €



Boys and girls, all of you are very special to God.
He created you because He loves you.

The round drawing (an Icon) tells the story of God´s Big Picture -the Gospel -without words.

There are four scenes in the gospel drama.
The tree represents God´s Creation.
The snake reminds us of Satan´s Deception.
The Cross shows us Christ´s Substitution.
Finally, the flower tells about Our Restoration.

The vine as the source of life,wraps itself around the whole story, just like the love of GOD, from beginning to end,
in HIS wonderful plan of love and rescue.


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