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G. Copeland: Live Long, Finish Strong (Paperback)

G. Copeland: Live Long, Finish Strong (Paperback)

The Divine Secret to Living Healthy, Happy, and Healed. Hard Cover - 257 Pages

13,08 €

Per Versand EU 2 für 8,00 €


In LIVE LONG, FINISH STRONG, Gloria Copeland presents a scripturally sound program to help readers claim the Bible promise of a long and blessed life . . . and a glorious death by \"divine appointment.\" Gloria believes the Bible teaches that God desires for every Christian to live healthily beyond 100. In this book, Gloria reveals that the secret to finding this \"Bible-based fountain of youth\" is in daily receiving by faith and obedience the life-giving Word of God and allowing it to energize and renew our bodies.


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