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Your new Identity in Christ
As a child, I heard that you needed to be converted in order to go to heaven. Conversion in our church meant that you got baptized and became a member of the church. I did not hear anything about the new birth, the Holy Spirit or healing. We believed that everything that happened must be the will of God; after all, God had allowed it to happen. If someone died, it was because God had taken them. Like Job, we believed: The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
No one told us that Satan was the thief. They preached to us that we were unworthy sinners, and so I believed that I was sinful and unworthy before God. I never heard that Christ had made me sinless and righteous, that I was no longer a sinner but a son of God. I heard that we were to carry our cross, our suffering, but not that we had been healed by the stripes of Jesus. No one talught us that in Christ we had become a brand new creation with a new Identity.
The following 4 lessons deal with these topics. They are intended to lay a foundation for the faith that has been passed on to us from Jesus and the apostles.
1. The new birth 2. The batism in the Holy Spirit 3. Healing belongs to you 4. Your new identity in Christ
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