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Buddy Bell: The Ministry of Helps (Revised & Updated)

Buddy Bell: The Ministry of Helps (Revised & Updated)

Book / 238 Pages

Finding your Place in the Body of Christ...
and Thriving in it!

12,06 €



Churches need the ministry of helps. The time has come for church members to begin doing the work of the ministry, and let the pastors return to doing what the have been called to do-be a spokesmen for Jesus.

Finally, a book filled with useful information for:
-Ushers -Greeters -Nursery Workers -Counselors -All Areas of your Churches Ministry

The Ministry of Helps Handbook by Buddy Bell is a unique combination of teaching, seminar guidelines and answers to often-asked questions. This useful and complete book provides pastors, and members with the tools and insights to restore the ministry of helps to their church.

Some Features Include:
-Easy-to-apply instructions to transform your helps ministry
-Anointed teaching to improve faithfulness
-Keys to the Biblical basis for the ministry of helps
-A three-part, five-day seminar outline
-Answers to common questions about the ministry of helps


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