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Daniel Martini: Faith of Hope (Faith-Series)

Daniel Martini: Faith of Hope (Faith-Series)

Daniel Martini - Buch 46 Seiten

4,67 €

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Faith - A mountainmoving force.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. - Hebrews 11,6

In the "Faith-Series" you will be taken into the mystery and the Dynamics of biblical faith life - your faith life.

This series of booklets is created to

- Show you what faith is.
- build a solid foundation of faith in you.
- stir up your faith.
- uproot false Pictures of faith.
- make you a Champion of faith.

Do not miss what God has for you!

Daniel Martini is an enthusiastic, unnusual servant of God. His hearts beats for the salvation of men for the Lord Jesus Christ to afterward igniting them with a passionately Burning love for Christ and their individual calling. It is important to him to give the Holy Spirit unrestricted freedom in His Work.


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